Bl. Pope John Paul II

"In the designs of Providence,
there are no mere coincidences."



Heard around the apartment:

Hanna sleep in the sky. Mommy sleep in the sky. Angie sleep in the sky. Daddy sleep in the sky.

Baby Angèle crying! Mommy probably go get her.


Holy Mary, mother god, pray per us dinner, now. Amen.

It get dummer, get warm, go outside.

(Her 's' doesn't work very well right now. You should hear her ask for a sandwich. :)

Mommy, rock you.

Get ready--date with daddy now.

Dolly so tired. Cover her up. Quiet time now.

Daddy home soon? No, daddy work.  Be home later.

My not get out of car seat. Get very hurt. (she's learning!)

{while reading anything} Hanna Marie Harlan ... Hanna Marie Harlan.

Tony Tony turn around,
Something's lost that can't be found!

I want to get these snippets on video, but currently can't find our camera...say a prayer it turns up!

1 comment:

Francine said...

haha I love this! She sounds like quite the character. ;)