Hi :)
In a special attempt to create a better habit than clicking around on Facebook (it was not something that grew me as a person; I am not saying it is bad for YOU), I am going to give family updates, etc. on this site. Since there has to be a starting point of some kind, here is quick update number 1 and background on the site’s name.
Jesse and I were married in June of 2008, and we LOVE sharing our life and our vocation with each other. We met during college and were friends until graduating--when we discovered that we had seen something special in each other from the first day of classes of our first year.
Right now we are in Ohio, near my parents, and Jesse works for an industrial supply company. I wound up working within data entry and medical billing until Angie was born this past December, and I am still learning the ropes of being a full-time Mama. Learning curve or not, I love it! We go to Church where I grew up--and also where we were married. We know we will be here for a while, but we don’t feel like this is our forever hometown.
The West really romances our hearts...and we dream of having a working Ranch and Retreat Center some day. Jesse’s family is from central Pennsylvania, and I have to admit, I wouldn’t mind a place in that region, either. Wherever it winds up being; lots of kids, lots of animals, lots of chaos...sign us up!
Hanna turned two a little over a month ago. She is TINY and sweet and feisty! Right now we are in the throes of learning exactly how to discipline with strength and love, and she is almost potty-trained. (!!!!!) It’s made extra entertaining because she’s learning slightly early, but her little tush fits into 12 month size bottoms...so you can imagine how a normal sized toilet almost swallows her! She’s getting more and more verbal by the day. I am sure there will be updates on the funny things she says, but right now Jesse and I melt to hear her say prayers with us, and she has loved wishing everyone a Happy Easter.
Angele (pronounced “On-gel”--think Hair Gel), will be 5 months old this week. She is...NOT tiny. :) But she has a lot of peace, patience and sweetness to her little personality already. She sleeps really well for us, so we are not zombies as we were with Hanna.
As far as things we love to do: to be honest, if we are together as a family, we love it--some of our best times together are in the grocery store! I was a soccer player in high school and college, and my newest resolution is to run the Akron Roadrunner Half Marathon in September of this year. Jesse really misses biking--but it’s really hard to find time to keep up with that right now. I love to cook and bake and do crafty things, have always loved writing, and the big joke is that I have a ‘reading problem’--I can’t STOP myself from reading something if it’s in front of me. Most families have a ‘no texting at the dinner table’ rule...but mine was ‘no books at the table.’
All that to say that I don’t pretend to be an expert on anything as I write here--with such little people underfoot, I can only dabble. Hold me accountable to the Half Marathon, though!--that’s a family commitment at this point. Topics that I research for further down the road: nutrition, home schooling approaches and options, natural/organic living, self-improvement, home decor, and being wise with finances. We are on a mission to get our school debt GONE asap!
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Why Out of My League?
Jesse and I danced to this song at our wedding. stephen speaks: "out of my league"
It makes me grateful and star-struck when I hear it. Prior to discovering this song, the phrase ‘out of my league’ only meant negative things. And it's double-better that someone put clips from The Office to the song :)
I’m all out of time, folks. Much love and many prayers, be back soon!
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1 comment:
I'm glad I reminded you about "Out of My League." I don't remember what other song you were considering for your first dance, but it would have been so not as good! That song just fits you two perfectly.
Love you much and can't wait to see what excitement lies ahead in your journey.
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